Università degli Studi di Genova (UNIGE)

The ENT Department of the University of Genoa is a section of a macro department: the Department of Surgical and Diagnostic Sciences (DISC). Their research activities are conducted in deep association with the San Martino University Hospital, which counts with 4000 professionals, 700 of which are medical doctors. San Martino's hospital treats over 60 thousand patients a year and supports DISC research in many areas, including: Organ transplants, in particular kidney and liver transplants; Management of hospital-acquired bacterial infections; Anaesthetic drugs; and Development of new techniques and devices for general surgery.
- ENT Department
Main tasks:
- Leader of WP2 – Specifications and Guidelines
- Leader of WP4 – Evaluation and Testing
Role of the Partner:
UNIGE will concentrate primarily on three main areas:
- Definition of medical specifications, guidelines, surgical risks, and medical protocols to guide the technological developments within µRALP;
- Collection of multimedia material (medical images and videos) related to laryngeal diseases, laser phonomicrosurgeries, and laser-tissue interactions;
- Performance of experiments to assess the new tools and systems developed during the course of the project.
UNIGE will work closely with UHB to maximizing outputs that will benefit µRALP and the general medical and scientific communities. UNIGE will also bring in the project their vast expertise in otorhinolaryngology, including in laser phonomicrosurgeries, collection of images and other medical data, and in clinical trials. Furthermore, UNIGE has a history of technological innovations in medicine that will be beneficial to the project, including research and clinical trials that lead to the development of piezoelectric bone scalpels and harmonic scalpels for ENT surgery. Therefore, UNIGE will also offer important support related to ethical issues in medical experimentation.
Key researchers:
Giorgio PERETTI, dal 1986 al 2011 ha svolto la sua attività clinica e didattica presso la Clinica Otorinolaringoiatrica dell'Università di Brescia, Dal 2012 ricopre il ruolo di Professore Associato di Otorinolaringoiatria dell'Univesità degli Studi di Genova e di Direttore della U.O. di Otorinolaringoiatria dell'Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Martino di Genova.
La sua attività clinica verte in particolar modo sulla laringologia, fonochirurgia e diagnosi e trattamento della patologia benigna e neoplastica tracheale. Si è dedicato con particolare dedizione alla diagnostica e trattamento endoscopico con laser CO2 della patologia oncologica laringea. Ha collaborato all'innovazione tecnologica e sperimentazione di strumentario chirurgico per la realizzazione di nuove tecniche fonochirurgiche. E' organizzatore e istruttore di corsi nazionali ed internazionali per la formazione medica in campo laringologico.
Il Prof. Giorgio Peretti svolge la sua attività didattica presso l'Università degli Studi di Genova in qualità di Professore Associato in Otorinolaringoiatria del Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia e della Scuola di Specializzazione. È autore di 64 pubblicazioni su riviste nazionali ed internazionali, 41 capitoli di libri, 163 pubblicazioni su atti di congressi.
Il Prof. Giorgio Peretti è Vice President and Scientific Councillor of the European Laryngological Society, Corresponding Member of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery, Corresponding Fellow of the American Laryngological Society, Member of Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laringologicum Amicitiae Sacrum.
Francesco MORA graduated in medicine and surgery in 1999 (School of Medicine, University of Genoa, Italy) with score 110/110, praise and silver medal. He specialized in Otorhinolaryngology in 2003, and since February 2005 he is an ENT researcher of University of Genoa. From 2007 he is a reviewer for Laryngoscope and Acta Oto-Laryngologica. He is a professor in School of Medicine, in Dentistry and Dental Implants degree course, also in ENT, Audiology and Phoniatrics, Allergology and Immunology graduated schools of University of Genoa, Italy. He has participated as chairman or participant in numerous International meetings and courses. Clinical and surgical activities are performed in San Martino hospital (ENT Department) Genoa, Italy.
Stefano OTTOBONI has graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1991 at the Faculty of Medicine University of Genoa. He is a member of the Professional Order of Medicine and Surgery in Genoa since 1992, and he holds a license to Medicine Profession also since 1992. During his University studies he worked in the University of Genoa Stomatology Clinic Department. In the 1991/1992 Academic year, he started the Specialty in Otorinolaringology and Cervico-facial Surgery in the O.R.L of the Genoa University and he received his Specialty Diploma in Otorinolaringology and Cervico-facial Surgery the 4th of October 1995 (110/110 cum laude). Since 1994 he is University Researcher of the University of Genoa and he works in the DISCMIT Department of the same University. Dr. Ottoboni has done and does, either working with O.R.L. Clinic study material or in cooperation with other University Clinic Institutes and Italian Military Navy and Italian Military Marine Aviation Training Centres, studies on clinical cases or research study cases as comes from his scientific publications.