ICRA 2013 EuRoSurge Workshop

on Monday, 18 March 2013. Posted in Microralp News

ICRA 2013 EuRoSurge Workshop
Workshop ICRA 2013

Evaluating effectiveness and acceptance of robots in surgery: user centered design and economic factors

Monday, May 6, 2013, 9:00 – 18:00


Organizers: Paolo Fiorini, Giancarlo Ferrigno, Joerg Raczkowsky

List of topics

The workshop will cover (but won't be limited to) the following topics:

  1. User centered design in surgical robots
  2. Modular surgical robots design
  3. Surgical robots technology assessment
  4. Standardization of surgical robots
  5. New approaches to surgical robots for increased clinical uptake (bio-inspired, autonomous, ...)
  6. Use cases showing new requirements (end users)
  7. Exploitation barriers to surgical robots
  8. Coordination actions for requirements definitions
  9. The role of the training in robotic surgery clinical uptake
  10. Ethical and legal issues