Workshop on Robot-Assisted Laryngeal Microsurgery

on Tuesday, 17 April 2012. Posted in Microralp News

Workshop on Robot-Assisted Laryngeal Microsurgery




Robot-assisted surgery is a fast-growing field of research, one which has been bringing remarkable advantages to various fields of surgery, especially to the field of laparoscopy. These include elimination of tremor, motion scaling, enhanced visualization, and ergonomic control. However, microsurgery remains a vastly unexplored territory for robot-assisted systems despite the fact they can have an even greater impact here. At the same time, demand for new tools and platforms for enhanced surgical and patient outcomes is growing. One example is seem in the area of laryngology, which often involves very delicate operations on organs such as the vocal fold.


This half-day workshop will provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art in the field of robot-assisted laryngeal microsurgery, focusing specially on the laser phonomicrosurgery problem and on critical technological advancements needed in this area. The workshop is intended to provide an open platform for surgeons and engineers to discuss recent findings, major research issues and new research opportunities.

List of Topics:

  • Current limitations and needs in robot-assisted microsurgery
  • Surgical MEMS: Design and Control
  • Multi-functional endoscopic systems for microsurgery
  • Fluorescence imaging and real-time cancer tissue visualization
  • Surgeon-robot interfaces for microsurgery
  • Augmented reality for robot-assisted surgery
  • Supervisory and assistive safety systems

Worshop Location:

Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Via Alvaro del Portillo 21
00128 Roma
, Italy
Room R2


June 24th, 2012                                                                   pdfProgram
8:50 9:00 Welcome


Medical Robotics: Background, Today, and the Future! pdf
Edward Grant North Carolina State University, USA
9:20 9:35 Towards cognitive supervision in robot-assisted surgery pdf Loris Fichera Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
9:35 9:55 Advantages and disadvantages of various types of surgery on vocal folds cancer: a user point of view pdf Laurent Tavernier University Hospital of Besançon, Fance
9:55 10:10 Micromechanisms for laser phonosurgery: A Review of Actuators and Compliant Parts pdf Sergio Lescano FEMTO-ST Institute, France
10:10 10:25 User interfaces in computer-assisted and robot-assisted surgery pdf Jesus Ortiz Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
10:25 10:40 Break 
10:40 11:00 State of art and future perspectives of laryngeal carcinoma surgery pdf Giorgio Peretti Università degli Studi di Genova, Itaty
11:00 11:15 On-site Laser Phonomicrosurgery – Challenges for an endoscopic system design with integrated augmented reality pdf Andreas Schoob and Benjamin Munske Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
11:15 11:30 Bidirectional translational research: an illustration with fluorescence diagnosis   Bruno Wacogne University Hospital of Besançon, France
11:30 11:45 Toward Tumor Detection and Medical Images Segmentation Techniques pdf Giulio Dagnino Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
11:45 12:00 Visual Servoing in Medical Robotics pdf Syed Zill-e- Hussnain FEMTO-ST Institute, France


Leonardo Mattos Nicolas Andreff
Advanced Robotics Dept. AS2M
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia                               FEMTO-ST / University of Franche-Comté
Genoa, Italy Besançon, France